5 Step Therapy - Psychotherapy Amsterdam eo
☑️Evenings or Saturday morning
☑️Also therapy in Dutch & Italiano
☑️No medical referral needed
☑️Registered therapist
Do you encounter the following difficulties in life? :
Did somethingbath(or traumatic) happening to you ?
Do you suffer fromanxiety?Performance anxiety?Fear of Commitment? Do you have anyattachment coping struggles?
Do you encounterproblemsin yourrelationship? Would you like to improve therelationyouhave with yourselfand yourpartner?
Did yousuffer a serious lossor abig change in your life?
do yourinsecurities limityou toevolvein yourdaily life and dreams? Would you like to work onself realization?
do youfeel burned-out or bored-out, suffer from huge energy loss, feeling tired and you don't know where to start, to get better?
do youfeel constantly stressed and tensed? Would youlike to improve your mindful and compassionate feeling and behavior?
Do you think you are thevictim of narcissistic abuse ,co-dependency,psychological abuseand/or physical abuse ?
do you haveany obsession or compulsive thoughts , holding you back from living the life, happily and in peace?
I have a very short waiting list, it will be possible to set an appointment on very short terms.
Please contact :
5 Step Therapy
Rijnstraat 170
1079 HS Amsterdam
Phone: 06-41451580