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Short individual or couples therapy trajectories

Short routes: A telephone short  intake and 5 sessions already do a lot!


Especially for the current period when itCOVID-19/CORONA, can greatly hinder us and cause various concerns and problems, I have a specially adapted program:


  • Ability to have the therapy during awalkof an hour.

  • Ability to have the therapy throughskypeorZoom



Relation- orindividual counseling and supportsingle coach




  • Separation Anxiety and Commitment Anxiety

  • EMDR 

  • Systemic work/coaching: Family constellations/table constellation

  • Relationship issuesand problems arising from relationship issues or family connections

  • Mediationrelationships and family 

  • Restoring trust (yourself or others) afteroverplayl or a breakup 

  • Handleintense emotions 

  • LGBTQ+related issues

  • Dependency 

  • Bereavement Processingon loss experience 

  • Parting 

  • Depression, panic andanxiety complaints 

  • Changing Moods 

  • Feelings of shame or guilt 

  • Exhaustion and burnout due to relationship or work

  • Loneliness in relationship

  • Can't seem to find a suitable mate 

  • Attracting the wrong partners

  • Toxic Relationships-codependency 

  • Problems in relationships withpartnerswith personality problemsnarcissism,autism,bordrline

  • Problems arounddomestic violence, aggressiveness andpsychological violence

  • fears aboutCoronarelated problems, unemployment, debt, loneliness, loss etc.


Do you feel stuck? Can't get out alone anymore. A pressure on your chest? Are you constantly adapting - or controlling - to / of the people in your environment.


There is a moment when you know inside; that's it. If not anymore, now something has to be done. And then you can use someone who takes you by the hand and holds up a mirror to you, lets you hear and feel what you do, why you do it and above all; how to do it differently. Just a little push in the right direction, until you can do it yourself again.


I have a very short waiting list, it is possible   make an appointment with me directly so we can get started as soon as possible.



Io sono disponibile come terapeuta e come coach, anche in lingua Italiana.
I am available for the therapy and the coaching as well as in English, Dutch and Italian.

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